
Thursday 7 May 2015

30 Ways to make her HAPPY

by OdieAndElsa  |  in Woman at  20:37
 Support her ambition and love her flaws.
 Walk into a room full of temptation and stay faithful.
 Give her your hoodie when she's cold.
 Make her feel like she's the only woman in the world.
 Fight for her when she's ready to give up, and hold her tight when she's at her weakest.
Never let others influence anything when it comes to her; she wants you to be the reasoning for your actions.
 Hold her tight in public just to show people that you're proud to have someone like her.
 Always take the first step. Don't always wait for her to start everything.
 Bring her roses or flowers for no reason at all. Not just when you're in trouble or on Valentine's Day.
 Offer to give her a message. Foot, back, neck, shoulder... okay, the whole body.
Avoid responding with "okay," or any short answer that makes it sound like you weren't listening.
 Save a photo of her as your phone's background or screensaver. That way she'll know you're thinking of her everytime you look at your phone.
 Promise never to let her go, and keep that promise.
 Send her a cute goodnight text while she's sleeping so she wakes up with a smile on her face.
Call her beautiful, instead of pretty or cute.
 Buy her nice things.
 Make sure she knows that you're afraid to lose her.
Treat her the same around your friends as you would do when you're alone.
 Be there when she needs you.
 Have a date planned out so all she has to do is look good and show up.
 Randomly send her a text saying you're thinking about her.
 While out, introduce her to the people that matter to you. Make sure she knows who they are and vice versa.
 Make her a priority, not an option.
 Movie night cuddling, instead of going out with the guys.
On a date: Help her with her coat. Pull out her chair. Open the door for her. Let her order her food first. Stay off your phone.
 Back down in an argument even though she may be wrong sometimes even all times.
 Ask her if she's lost weight .
. Respect her. Respect her parents, family, respect her friends, respect her morals.
 Slow-dance with her even if there's no music.
 Sneak up behind her, hold her around her waist, kiss her softly on the neck and tell her that u love her.

18 Gestures That Girls Make That Are Better Than Saying ‘I Love You’

by OdieAndElsa  |  in interesting at  20:30
"I love you" are and will always remain the three magical words that melt our hearts. But sometimes, even those words aren't magic enough. The little things that your girl does for you are way, way more special and heartwarming than anything that can be put into words. What are those gestures that girls make all the time? Read on to find out.

1. When she puts her head on his shoulder and snuggles up against him.

2. When she reads up on his favourite cartoon/action movie, so that he doesn't have to give up anything for her.

3. When she encourages him to go out with his bros, even though she's free for the evening.

4. She hates the way he leaves things lying around, but makes her peace with it because he likes it that way.

5. She's bad at sports, but she plays along with him just to give him company.

6. When she brings the dinner to bed so they can curl up and snuggle together.

7. She knows he's missing the match because he's at work, so she messages him the score through the day.

8. When she patiently helps him pick out the perfect gift for his sister/mother because she knows how much he loves her.

9. She hugs him tightly when he wins a match against his friends, even though he's sweating like a pig.

10. She wakes up earlier than usual, just to surprise him with his favourite breakfast.

11. When she proudly flaunts him in front of all her girlfriends.

12. When she puts up a show just for him at the end of a long, hard work day.

13. When she starts fan girling his favourite bands.

14. When she actively listens to his wild ideas - even though she's too tired to think.

15. When she opens up to him about her deepest, darkest fears - because he's the only one she trusts.

16. When she laughs at all his silly, immature jokes without judging him for them.

17. She genuinely enjoys spending her time with all his friends.

18. When she gives him a soothing massage, even though she's equally tired.

10 Valuable Life Lessons We Can All Learn From Our Mothers

by OdieAndElsa  |  in interesting at  20:28
She is that one person in your life who is fragile yet infinitely strong. She laughs openly yet cries alone. She cares for the family while thinking nothing of her own needs. And she is someone who can be a friend and a teacher at the same time.
There is so much we can learn from our mothers. Things like;

1. The value of patience

Look back on your childhood. Do you remember how your mother never got annoyed at you while helping you with your homework? How she never judged you for your teenage tantrums? Even when you argued with her, she never said anything hurtful in the heat of the moment and never held anything against you.


2. The importance of kindness

Mothers are kind to everyone. Be it friends, foes, dogs, cats, frenemies or the house help. Her kindness manifests itself in the generous hospitality she extends to anyone who visits the house. Isn't she the one who taught us to be kind towards those who are less fortunate than us?


3. To be selfless

Selflessness comes naturally to mothers. They have no qualms about keeping their family's needs before their own.


4. To never give up

How many times did you want to give up? Give up on life, give up on a career and give up on relationships? If there was one person who always got you back on track when you veered off, it was your mother. She was there, cheering you on, telling you, ‘YES, YOU CAN!’


5. The importance of values

When we're born into a family, we adopt the values of that family. And who is responsible for passing these values on? Mothers, of course! It's thanks to our mothers’ efforts that we can now call ourselves responsible adults.


6. How to be brave

During a crisis, a mother is the glue that holds a family together so that they can tide over the difficulty they are facing. If it weren't for their bravery, families would probably fall apart at the first sign of struggle.


7. How to appreciate true beauty

Girls, wasn't your mother the first person to tell you that make-up doesn't make you prettier? And boys, who in your eyes is the most beautiful woman in the world? Your mother, right? Then why can't we follow her example and appreciate the beauty that really matters? Inner beauty.


8. The power of commitment

Our mothers deal with a lot of difficult situations. It could be a nagging mother-in-law, a stubborn husband, an unappreciative sister-in-law or a family member who is only interested in putting her down. But they keep at it and try to make everything work, while maintaining their dignity.


9. How to build relationships

Relationships are a two way street and every relationship needs a lot of work. No matter how taxing one may be, our mothers constantly work towards strengthening it instead of abandoning it.


10. Being responsible

Mothers today not only bear the load of an entire household on their shoulders but also manage to juggle a full-fledged career at the same time. And yet we crib when we have to clean our room or reach somewhere on time.


"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary." - Dorothy Canfield Fisher

14 Things Men Mistakenly Think Women Find Sexy

by OdieAndElsa  |  in mind at  20:27
Dear men,
Don't get me wrong. You're awesome. You're fantastic, and you're downright hot. But you might want to consider some of those super smooth moves you try on your girls all the time. They're not working. It's kind of like how you think girls are always having pillow-fights in their undies in sleepovers. They're not. Just no.


1. Weird pick up lines

No. Nope. Just don't even try it.

2. Soaking yourself in deodorants

A little spray here and there is nice. But walking into a room literally marinating in Axe is not helping you. It's probably worse than the BO you're trying to mask.

3. Cracking lame jokes

It's true, a good sense of humour is rather sexy. Lame jokes on the other hand have the exact opposite effect on most girls. Besides, why would anyone crack a joke knowing that it's a bad one?

4. Flaunting your cash

I hate to break your heart, but not all the girls you find out there are gold diggers. Flaunting your moolah only makes you look obnoxious and arrogant.

5. Being rude to waiters/subordinates

Nothing entitles you to be a jerk to people, and no one is impressed by a disrespectful git. It's one of those things that could ruin your date even if everything else was in place.

6. Showing off your man-boobs

It's just weird. Really, really weird.

7. Boasting about your 'skills' and 'conquests'

Trust me, we'll find out for ourselves if we intend to go that way. Until then, all of that information is completely unnecessary and super creepy.

8. Blaring Honey Singh on loud from your car

You're getting NOWHERE with girls if you're letting him do the talking for you. Really? Seriously? Besides, what kind of a person goes around imposing their taste in music on others like that?

9. Playing hard-to-get

Everyone can see through your game. Being manipulative is not sexy. At all.

10. Going overboard with the whole well-mannered thing

We get it. You're sweet, well mannered and a true gentleman. But apologising every time you so much as look the other way is just strange and annoying. Be confident! No one looks good when they're busy worrying over things.

11. Wearing clothes so tight it could cut off your blood circulation

So you worked out twice, and now you have biceps that look big if you look at them through a microscope. Time to bring out the skin-tight clothes! Not.

12. Chest hair. Lots and lots of chest hair

It's true, God made you that way. But trust me, we have enough wooly, fuzzy things to feel comfy with. When girls get cosy, most prefer a man over a grizzly bear.

13. Being a painful know-it-all

Your extensive knowledge is impressive only when it doesn't come at the cost of making other people deliberately look bad. We get it, you are super smart. But you're also a jerk who can't stop showing off.

14. Being too macho for your own good

Think about it. You are so much more than your overbearing manliness. Stop obsessing over being a knight in shining armour, and just enjoy your time with an independent individual who's fairly capable of protecting herself.

8 Facts You Believed About Food That Turned Out To Be False

by OdieAndElsa  |  in interesting at  20:26
All of us are caught in the web of a fast-paced life where we try to keep up a healthy lifestyle. We stick to diet plans and religiously follow all the advice that pours in from different sectors. However, we absolutely trust some 'golden rules'. And you'll be surprised to know how many of them are absolutely no good.  This wonderful article appeared in Huffington Post which talks about some of them : 

1. Golgappas made from sooji are healthy 

Not exactly. Sooji is nothing but granular form of maida. Hence, the calorific value of dishes made of sooji are no less than that made of maida. So, the next time you find yourself opting for golgappas, thinking its a low calory snack, watch out! Opt for fruit chaat instead.  

Source : Pixshark 

2. Cooking with virgin olive oil is a bad idea 

Heating any kind of fat to higher temperatures, tends to rob it of its nutrients. Extra virgin olive oil is highly stable though.

Source : California Olive ranch

3. Honey is sweeter than sugar because it has fewer calories 

Yes, honey is a natural sweetener which makes it beneficial for you. But it does not help you cut down on calories. In fact a spoon of honey has more calories than a spoon of white sugar.

Source : Smithsonian mag

4. Consuming  desi ghee can give you cholesterol problems 

In fact, the ingredient which Indian recipes swear by, is rich in components found in olive oil. It is healthier than sunflower and other vegetable oils. Then of course, moderation is the key to accommodating fattening agents in your diet.

Source : PPnf Blog

5. Apples and Bananas are rich sources of iron 

Though they are rich in fibre, they are definitely not good sources of iron. And contrary to popular belief, they don't turn brown because of the presence of iron.

Source : Funky smoothie 

6. Eggs should be avoided because of their high cholesterol levels 

Though eggs are rich in cholesterol, the dietary cholesterol is good for you according to research. It does not affect the triglyceride levels. Eating an egg daily is in fact highly advisable.

Source : Plantation sustainable living 

7. One should avoid sugar in order to keep diabetes at bay 

Though avoiding food laced with sugar is advisable to knock-out calories, one needs t maintain an over-all healthy lifestyle and diet to ditch diabetes. It is not enough to avoid sugar.

Source : Fitafterfifty

8. Consumption of nuts increases cholesterol levels 

On the contrary, intake of nuts can help you decrease cholesterol and also fight obesity. Not just this, a healthy inclusion of nuts in your diet can help in the prevention of several diseases.

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